3 July 2021

Edamame Pesto & Tempeh Soba Noodles

Creamy Asian-inspired pesto made from edamame, aromatics and fresh herbs tossed through soba noodles, with spicy chili miso grilled tempeh and tenderstem broccoli.

Tempeh, if you haven't tried it before is made from soybeans and is a traditional Indonesian food; the whole beans are pressed together and fermented to form patties that have a slightly nutty and sour taste and are great for absorbing flavour. Tempeh itself is quite soft, so like tofu I love to marinade it then grill or roast it to give it a little more texture. This marinade of miso and Chinese chili oil is so flavourful and the perfect addition to the fresh pesto noodles. Chinese chili oil tends to have a few extra ingredients than regular chili oil, like garlic, soy beans or other spices, so use your favourite one in this dish for that extra flavour punch!

This meal not only is super high in protein, but is packed full of prebiotic fibre from the tempeh which is great for your gut health. Getting more fibre into our diets should be an absolute focus and the more plants you eat the better predictor of having good gut and overall health. Combined with all the aromatics in the pesto, the broccoli and the buckwheat in the soba noodles, this meal is gut-loving, incredibly tasty and will leave you feeling euphoric! 

If you make this or any of my other recipes, please do snap a pic and share with me on socials and stories @euphoricvegan. Also, click here to subscribe to email updates whenever I post new recipes!

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Edamame Pesto & Tempeh Soba Noodles | Serves: 2-3 | Time: 25 mins

You'll need

  • Chopping board
  • Knife
  • Measuring cups & spoons
  • Griddle pan
  • 2x small mixing bowls
  • 1x large mixing bowl
  • Spatula
  • Blender/food processor
  • Colander


Tempeh & Broccoli:
  • 200g tenderstem broccoli
  • 1 block tempeh
  • 2 tsp miso 
  • 1-2 tbsp Chinese chili oil 
Pesto & noodles:

  • 1 cup edamame, thawed
  • 1 inch piece ginger, peeled
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 2 spring onions
  • Juice 1/2 lemon 
  • 2 tsp red miso
  • Large handful coriander
  • Handful mint
  • Drizzle olive oil
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 150g soba noodles
To garnish:
  • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
  • 3 spring onions, chopped
  • Chinese chili oil


  1. Chop the tempeh into triangles and place to one side, then mix together the miso and up to 1 tbsp Chinese chili oil (depending on your spice preference), coat the tempeh well and place to one side. Then in the next bowl toss the tenderstem broccoli in the chili oil.
  2. Heat the griddle pan and in batches, cook the tempeh and then the broccoli until visibly charred and warmed through. 
  3. Meanwhile, add the edamame, ginger, garlic, spring onions, lemon juice, miso, coriander, mint, olive oil and water to the blender or processor and blitz until a paste. Blend more for a smoother pesto, or leave a little chunky.
  4. Then cook the soba noodles according to packet instructions then drain and rinse through. Toss the noodles and pesto together until fully coated. 
  5. Plate up with a base of noodles, then top with the grilled tempeh and broccoli. Garnish with the sesame seeds, spring onion and a little drizzle of chili oil. Then serve up and enjoy!
Cassidy xx