24 November 2013

Spicy peanut noodles

First of all I hope everyone is well and that for those applying to uni have all got the offers they want! So happy that I've had all 5 offers so now I just have to work super hard to get the grades. I've found that the best inspiration is constantly reminding yourself what you want, so I have a Leeds map in my room that came in the welcome booklet and it reminds me that I do need to work hard to achieve my goals.
Anyway, tonights dinner was spicy peanut noodles and I have to say they were absolutely delicious- and vegan!
4 wholemeal noodle nests
3tbsp crunchy peanut butter
3tbsp soy sauce
4tbsp lemon juice
1/2-1 tsp chili flakes
1 head broccoli, cut into florets
1. Boil the noodles in slightly salted water  for 3 minutes before adding the broccoli and cooking for a further 2 mins.
2. Meanwhile, mix together the rest of the ingredients to make the sauce.
3. Drain the noodles, saving 1/2 cup of the water to thin out the sauce.
4.Stir in the water to the peanut sauce and then add to the noodles and broccoli.
5.Serve up and enjoy! Cassidy xx